Quick Start

Demo App

That’s what you want, fully local and running. In less than 1 minute and 4 commands:


Single Build & Test run

Generate the components in a dist directory:

yarn build

After updating some Parser Grammar:

In one tab keep the WebComponent auto build:

yarn dev-webpack-npm

Rebuild the grammar of the dialect:

yarn build:parsers

Run a single specific test:

yarn test -t 'should handle parse results with keywords'

where -t refers to it('should handle parse results with keywords').


e.g. how to install on Ubuntu:

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

First make sure all third-party dependencies defined in package.json are installed into node_modules:


To generate the js bundles run:

yarn build

During development the bundles can be autogenerated when it detects changes to the .js files:

yarn dev-webpack-npm
yarn dev-webpack-workers

Before sending a review with changes to the bundles run:

yarn lint:fix
npx prettier:write

Building the Parsers

Because the compiled parsers are already checked in to Git and usually don’t change, rarely needs to be executed.

Install a patched jison, a compiler to JavaScript of a grammar accepting errors so that we can provide suggestions:

# One time
cd tools/jison

Generate the parsers for one dialect like dbsql:

yarn build:parsers

Additionally, we have a couple of build flags that can be enabled to add more build steps to the pipeline:

WEBPACK_PACKAGE_PARSERS # re-packages and bundles the generated parsers from yarn build:parsers
WEBPACK_BUNDLE_ANALYZER # analyzes the build bundle and shows stats about dependencies etc

All flags are off by default. You can turn one or more on by preprending them in front of a command:



The tests are next to the file under test, the filename of the test has to end with .test.ts or .test.js.

someFile.js         <- File under test
someFile.test.ts    <- File containing tests

Run all the tests once with:

yarn test

Run tests from a specific file once:

yarn test dbsqlAutocompleteParser.Select.test.js

And run the tests of a parser:

yarn test dbsqlAutocompleteParser

Run one it test only:

yarn test dbsqlAutocompleteParser.Create.test.js -t 'should have column definitions for CREATE TABLE with regular types'

While in watch mode Jest will detect changes to all files and re-run related tests. There are also options to target specific files or tests. Press ‘w’ in the console to see the options.

To run the tests in watch mode:

yarn test-dev

In order to update the test snapshots, let the first checks of tests complete and then press ‘u’ in the console to update the snapshots.

How to update snapshot tests:

jest --updateSnapshot

How to run the end to end tests:

Those come from the demo app.

cd tools/examples/components/editor
yarn start

Once the dev server has been started, you can:

Run tests in the headless mode, meaning that you won’t see Cypress browser UI (for CI and quick testing):

yarn cypress:run

Run tests in development mode with Cypress UI (better for development):

yarn cypress:open

Test coverage:

yarn test-coverage

NPM registry

To publish to the NPM registry:

yarn npm-publish


Install Hugo. Each page has a link to its own source file in the top right corner.

Build the source and see live changes:

cd docs

hugo serve

Check for links not working (e.g. returning a 404) with muffet, a fast link checker crawler. It recommended to use the check links script.

The posts manual and continuous integration contain more information about it.

And then to build the static site just do:


and grab the public directory.