
The core elements are available as generic Web Components. They are library/framework agnostic, and can be used in any Web project irrespective of what its built upon.


Two ways to get them:

NPM registry

Published as a NPM package in

The recommended way. Versioned, published on the standard public JavaScript module registry NPM with dependencies.

Quick example via the Editor Demo App:


  1. Change the “queryflow” dependency in package.json to a release version from, e.g.:
    # From
    "queryflow": "link:../../../../dist",
    # To
    "queryflow": "4.99.43",
  2. yarn
  3. yarn start
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Local repository

That’s for developing. Here is a similar example to the Parser Demo documentation page with the demo parser app.

cd tools/examples/api/parsers

yarn webpack
yarn app

In parsers package.json there is a dependency on Compose:

"dependencies": {
  queryflow "link:../../.."

Now let’s import the DBSQL parser:

import sqlAutocompleteParser from 'queryflow/js/parse/sql/dbsql/dbsqlAutocompleteParser';

sqlAutocompleteParser.parseSql('SELECT col1, col2, tbl2.col3 FROM tbl; ', '')